play video its vs its
Commonly Confused

Its vs. It's

Some practical guidance, and interesting history, about a common mistake.

Some practical guidance, and interesting history, about a common mistake.

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play video its vs its
Its vs. It's


Some practical guidance, and interesting history, about a common mistake.

play serenity carr next to an illustration of a refrigerator with the letter d in it
Why is there a 'd' in 'fridge' but not in 'refrigerator'?


Thawing one of the mysteries of English

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Lay vs. Lie


Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference.

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Is 'None' Singular or Plural?


Or both? Or neither?

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Hot Mess


Our research turned up two archaic literal meanings

play emily brewster and one and the same text graphic
'One in the same' or 'One and the same'?


Is it all the same anyway?

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A Look at Uncommon Onomatopoeia


Some imitative words are more surprising than others